Position paper appearing at HotNets 2013

Instructions for reproducing results from the HotNets paper


C++11 compiler, git


  1. Download an allinone version of ns-2.35 from here
  2. Run
     tar zxvf ns-allinone-2.35.tar.gz 
  3. Run
     cd ns-allinone-2.35 
  4. Run
     rm -rf ns-2.35 
    to get rid of the original version of ns-2.35
  5. Run
     git clone https://github.com/hbatmit/ns2.35 -b sdn-data-plane-hotnets13-reproduce ns-2.35 
    to checkout our modified version of ns-2.35
  6. Run
    to install ns-2.35 with all its components.
  7. Run
     cd ns-2.35/tcl/ex/congctrl/result_scripts 
  8. Run
  9. You should see the following output with results for all 6 tables:
         Table 1a: CoDel+FCFS,       average     throughput:  1.9955  Mbps  
         Table 1a: CoDel+FQ,         average     throughput:  1.8985  seconds  
         Table 1b: CoDel+FCFS,       bulk        throughput:  9.48102702703  Mbps
         Table 1b: CoDel+FCFS,       tail        FCT:         22.25  seconds
         Table 1b: CoDel+FQ,         bulk        throughput:  9.47583783784  Mbps
         Table 1b: CoDel+FQ,         tail        FCT:         18.705  seconds
         Table 2a: Bufferbloat+FQ,   bulk        throughput:  11.2208378378  Mbps
         Table 2a: Bufferbloat+FQ,   tail        FCT:         20.935  seconds
         Table 2a: CoDel+FQ,         average     throughput:  3.91908108108  Mbps
         Table 2a: CoDel+FQ,         tail        FCT:         43.72  seconds
         Table 2b: Bufferbloat+FQ,   interactive throughput:  7.469  Mbps
         Table 2b: Bufferbloat+FQ,   interactive RTT:         62240.4  ms
         Table 2b: CoDel+FQ,         interactive throughput:  6.5545  Mbps
         Table 2b: CoDel+FQ,         interactive RTT:         151.5  ms
         Table 3a: Bufferbloat+FQ,   bulk        throughput:  11.957  Mbps  
         Table 3a: CoDel+FQ,         bulk        throughput:  4.35  Mbps
         Table 3b: Bufferbloat+FQ,   interactive throughput:  11.957  Mbps
         Table 3b: Bufferbloat+FQ,   interactive RTT:         46103.0  ms
         Table 3b: CoDel+FQ,         interactive throughput:  4.35  Mbps
         Table 3b: CoDel+FQ,         interactive RTT:         158.2  ms
  10. N.B. generate_all_results.sh can take upto 3 hours to finish on an
    80-core machine. Reducing the number of simulation runs can speed
    up this process.