1. Logistics: Feedback on assignment 5. 2. Network security (next 3 lectures): TLS, surveillance+censorship, DoS attacks 3. Three properties guaranteed by TLS: * Authentication * Confidentiality * Integrity * Guaranteeing this in the physical and cyber world --> Hard computational problems 4. Cryptographic primitives: * PubEncrypt * PubDecrypt * SymEncrypt * SymDecrypt * Sign * Verify * Message integrity 5. How TLS achives auth, confidentiality, and integrity using these primitives * Authentatication: Certificate authorities and signatures * Confidentiality: Pub keys for handshake followed by symmetric keys for data * Integrity: Sign and verify primitives 6. Aside: IPSec 7. What could go wrong? (If time permits) * Root CA is compromised * Private key is stolen * Problem is no longer hard. * Insufficient validation * Every detail matters.