1. Logistics: * Assignment: 31 out of 56 have started. * No class next Wed; instead, will record and post lecture. * About half of you have still not participated. * Assignment 2 will be out this week; it will be harder (3 weeks). 2. Why is finding the BDP hard? * Clarify RTT vs. RTT_{min}. * C varies (WiFi/cellular) * RTT varies (path changes) * Multiple flows. 3. What happens if you set W to the incorrect value? * Underutilization * Queueing delay * Retransmissions --> The last two are especially likely and quite problematic: congestion collapse 4. Congestion collapse * Load increases, but utility decreases * Similar to tragedy of commons, thrashing, people in a crowded room. * One example: infinite buffers, user utility=throughput/delay * Another example: retransmission-based congestion collapse * Historical notes